Phoenix is a registered Doberman Pinscher under Tackleberry SolutionsPhoenix is a stunning black
Canine Program Intern With Tackleberry Solutions
Do you want to work with, learn about, and train service dogs?
Interns will have the opportunity to learn the essentials of working with, caring for and training purebred Doberman Pinscher service dogs.
Canine Training Program
Tackleberry Solutions has partnered with KHFarms to offer an intern program that is focused entirely on service canines that specialize in:
Benefits of Internship
Besides the joy and excitement of working with dogs and puppies:

Hands On
By working directly with our services dogs and puppies, you'll learn about personality testing, reading their body language, care and training that is involved with specialized canines.

Spread Joy
As part of our training, we volunteer to visit schools, hospitals, therapy offices, etc. to socialize our dogs/puppies, spread joy and prepare our canines for work.

Expand Your Portfolio
At the end of the semester, interns will be presented a certificate of completion which can be used to add to your portfolio of experience for future employers or to add credibility to your name if you plan on entrepreneurship.

By getting out and working with our dogs, you'll be presented with opportunities to meet more people and other professionals from varying fields which is always a beneficial resource when looking for & building your career.
*Interns will also have the option to be featured on our website in conjunction with their certification. As a result, they'll be assigned their own url link that show cases their work. They can then share this link on their portfolios and applications which potential hires would be able to view.
“Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.”
- Henry Ford

Work In the Area that Interests You Most
When it comes to protection training, some are better suited teaching the commands. Others work really well functioning as the "bad guy" for the canine to hit. However, not everyone is ready for that type of adventure. As an intern for Tackleberry Solutions, we'll keep your tasks related to your comfort zone. If you'd rather stick only to therapy training or search & rescue, we won't judge. :)

Play while you Learn
When it comes to service dogs or training dogs in general, they learn better when they're playing. As a result, you'll have plenty of opportunity to play and enjoy your time with our dogs. (This is especially applicable if we've got puppies that we're actively preparing for work as a service dog.)

Establish A knowledgeable presence
One of the best ways to learn is to teach. Interested interns would be invited to contribute to our blog by writing relevant and helpful articles show casing what they've learned. After approval, all articles will be featured on the website, social media and the intern's Tackleberry Solutions profile page as a part of their work. This is a majorly effective way to establish your knowledge presence which is sure to impress future hires.

I breed, train, conduct personality tests, and find homes for work and service grade purebred Doberman Pinscher canines. Preparing these dogs for life as an excellent quality family pet or service canine requires a lot of work, dedication and experience. My children, the dogs, and my farm are my life. When I'm not taking care of them, I'm expanding my knowledge and working on ways to improve their lives.
Major Duties and Responsibilities

If you're interested in applying for canine internship with Tackleberry Solutions through KHFarms, below is a list of work you'd be expected to help with:
General Sanitation
Scooping up poop, filling in dug holes, repairing or adding fencing, bed and kennel sanitation.
Feeding, bathing, brushing, oiling fur, and checking for injuries or other common ailments.
Taking dogs and/or puppies out to socialize (responsibility must be well established before this can be done unsupervised)
Play & Exercise
Dobermans are high energy dogs. Play and other exercise routines are important so that they can focus when it is time to train.
Everything from search & rescue to protection work based on your comfort level. *Be prepared to work in any weather condition
Cuddle Time
Dogs and puppies like to be loved on and cuddled with. Feel free to enjoy some therapy time of your own if you've got the time.
Become a Caretaker
Interns that exhibit responsibility and dedication will be considered for the opportunity of becoming an assigned caretaker. This would enable them to work with our service quality puppies/dogs a couple of days per week from home. Microchipped canines will be sent with a service dog in training vest so that interns may socialize and expose the puppy/dog for real-life training and experience anywhere they need to go during the time that the canine is with them.
Join the Adventure
Becoming an intern working with service quality purebred Doberman Pinschers is a rare opportunity. It'll look great on your profile and will set you up with special skills for life. Openings are limited so apply now.
* Be aware that all interns will be working on a volunteer basis. Your time will be valued and traded with as much knowledge and experience that you're willing to pick up and take with you.
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For the unique opportunity of working with Service Dogs
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