Our pricing was not randomly generated numbers to steal your hard earned money. We spent a lot of time, prayer and careful consideration when creating and pricing our content.
The factors that we weighed when choosing the price for each course were as follows:
- What did it cost us to produce?
- How much time did we take in creating it?
- How much is it going to cost to maintain it? (liability insurance, website fees, taxes, updates, customer support services, technical issues, refund losses, etc.)
- How much is it going to cost to market it?
- What did it cost the instructor to learn the information in these courses?
- What would it cost for you to go out and learn it without us?
- What value do we place on the content?
- What value would you place on the content?
- How much money, pain, and heartache are we saving you?
- What is the least amount that we can charge that wouldn't detract from that value?
- What is the least amount that we can charge without bankrupting the business?
The fact of the matter is, that the information we share is valued much much higher than what we actually charge. We have kept our pricing as low as possible to enable as many people as we could the opportunity to learn it.
If we were to charge any less, it would detract from the value of the course and the content featured in it would be under-appreciated. Not to mention it would cripple our business into reaching a limited number of people before Tackleberry Solutions went under.
The biggest question now is, do you see the value in what we are teaching? If you do not think the price matches the value, then you won't get anything out of the course anyways, and you're wasting your time and ours. The commitment won't be there and the knowledge will get swept under the rug. Life is too busy for stuff that isn't valued.
For you to fully learn what we are teaching, you've got to see the value in it and be willing to make the investment. If the investment isn't there, then neither is the commitment. If we gave this information out for free nobody would take the time to learn it. Why? Because they wouldn't realize that what they are getting is gold.
Which leads to the next part of the question: is this a scam?
Absolutely not! Scams are designed to take your money and give nothing back. Then they disappear into the crowd so you can't find them and complain about it. We would have nothing to gain from that! We work hard to have a good reputation. We want you to love our products/services so much that you have the desire to tell your friends about us.
If you are still not sure about what you are getting with your purchase or if you have any questions at all, just ask! We would be happy to clarify any confusion you may have about our business! Just fill out the form below or call us.