Welcome to the Home Defense Course.
Each lesson will have important homework for you to do. Please complete each suggested step following the class (as your circumstances allow). These are designed specifically to help you learn and implement the knowledge I have shared.
Each class has a PDF download with notes on the subject and the accompanying assignment.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.
I hope you take what I have to share with you to heart and use it.
That being said – Get out and train!

Kit Arthur
About the Instructor
Kit Arthur is the founder and CEO. He created Tackleberry Solutions to teach others realistic wartime tactics based off of extensive personal experience and training. Arthur is unlike any other tactical instructor because he doesn't focus on the shooting aspect for "tacticool" looks and "accuracy." Instead he designed Tackleberry Solutions to teach real-life wartime tactics. Arthur's goal is to save as many lives as he can through his teaching and keep families together and free.