3 Free Guides to Home Defense
So that you can fight off evil and stay alive.
Choose the guide that best suits your needs:
1. Fortify Your Home
2. Night Attacks
3. Defensive Shooting
Access All 3 Free Guides
- Learn low-cost solutions to making your home a safer place
- Avoid getting targeted and prevent home invasions
- Stop an attacker inside your home before they can harm you
- Don’t be an easy victim
- Get an example of a personalized defensive plan

Fortify Your Home
It takes mere seconds to break into the average home. All you need is one well-placed kick on your door. Having your home properly secured not only gives you more time to respond to a home invasion but also serves as a deterrent. Most criminals are looking for easy targets. If they find your home more difficult to break into than they expected, they are likely to move on in search of a house that is less fortified.

Night Attacks
Having your home invaded at all is never a pleasant experience. Waking up to an attacker is even worse, especially if your home is dark. Learning how to properly identify and engage your target is a vital skill to know. You always want to be sure you know who/what you are shooting at. How do you identify your target if you can’t see?
Learn how to play shadow games and gain the upper hand if the time ever comes (God forbid) that you wake up to a fight for your life.

Defensive Shooting
Don’t be an easy target. Where you are in your home and how you engage your attacker can be the difference between victory and defeat. Learn key strategic places in your home that will offer you the best chances of surviving and overcoming an attack.

Kit Arthur
About the Instructor
Kit Arthur is the founder and CEO. He created Tackleberry Solutions to teach others realistic wartime tactics based off of extensive personal experience and training. Arthur is unlike any other tactical instructor because he doesn't focus on the shooting aspect for "tacticool" looks and "accuracy." Instead he designed Tackleberry Solutions to teach real-life wartime tactics. Arthur's goal is to save as many lives as he can through his teaching and keep families together and free.