I can teach you.
Wartime Tactics

How to become the Community Commander for WAR

Individual Training Online
Start by learning everything you need to know about war and military tactics. Then pass our extensive quiz to get certified.

Teach Your Community
The best way to learn something is to teach it. Get at least 4 guys together and teach them (in your own words) what you've learned

Team Training in Person
Contact us when you are ready to upgrade your training. We will evaluate your current ability to see if you are ready for in person training.
Neighbor to neighbor. It is a mentality that has been fostered over centuries, since the earliest settlers realized the only way to survive...was to work together
How to survive, escape and evade enemy capture
Guerrilla Warfare
How to fight against a larger force with limited assets
Advanced Urban Warfare
How to conduct war inside an urban area
And More!
Start Training Today free!
How the course is structured
Start with the Neighborhood Guardian - learn how to secure your neighborhood. Then advance to the Quick Reaction Force - learn how to become your neighborhood's minutemen. Next, discover the Direct Action Force - how to take the fight to the enemy to avoid conflict in your community. Finally, how to pull everything together and orchestrate a complex defensive system as the Community Commander.

Why these courses are the best

Kit Arthur
About the Instructor
Kit Arthur is the founder and CEO. He created Tackleberry Solutions to teach others realistic wartime tactics based off of extensive personal experience and training. Arthur is unlike any other tactical instructor because he doesn't focus on the shooting aspect for "tacticool" looks and "accuracy." Instead he designed Tackleberry Solutions to teach real-life wartime tactics. Arthur's goal is to save as many lives as he can through his teaching and keep families together and free.
What Others Are Saying:

"They're well trained and they're videos prove it. They're also well informed on the current situation of our safety."
Justin Detwiler

"I took the home defense course. I was very happy with the instruction given in the course, it was easy to follow and understand. After taking the course I feel MUCH more prepared to keep my family safer. I highly recommend Tackleberry Solutions!"
Danny Allen

"Very informative, great videos and tips! Highly Recommended. Thanks TackleberrySolutions. "
Katie Duprey Swinson

"I have bought emergency packs from this company and I loved what they did for me! Everything is top quality! Also I recently finished their home defense course and really loved it! I had no idea how defenseless my home really was up to that point! This instructor is so knowledgeable about self defense and home defense. I highly recommend him to anyone!"
Amelia Kobravi
Course Prices
Real Military Tactics NO ONE else is teaching to Citizens

Real Military Tactics NO ONE else is teaching to Citizens
Buy Now & Save $374.71

© Tackleberry Solutions.