Supported by John David Jackson of Duplin County for Sheriff - Read More
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President Trump Wasn't the Only One Whose House Got Wrongfully Raided by the FBI
Recently, the government has come to my husband with a plea deal that doesn't include anything from the original charges that they had placed against him in the first place. They went from one extreme of threatening over life in jail to allowing him to return home within a year, possibly less if he pled guilty.
Raising the Cry of Alarm, Are You Next?
This video today is more of a plea for help. I've been trying to warn people what has happened to my family in an effort to stop it from happening to more people.
The Mystery with Discovery on Christopher (Kit) Arthur's Case: Here's an update.
Suspense, intimidation and bullies. That's what we're currently facing right now, but we refuse to give up.
Why can't the 1st Amendment work with the 2nd? Arrested for teaching home defense: updated
I created this video in an attempt to condense the explanation of what has happened to my family and my husband. I have also created this video to provide a quick update as to what is currently happening with our situation.
However, I had completely forgotten to add the update in the video, so here it is:
After at least a month of trying to get Kit's attorney Mr. Chetson to recuse himself (he wasn't doing his job and was even hurting the case) - He has finally withdrawn and Kit has been assigned a court appointed attorney until such time that we can raise the funds to hire someone to represent him.
The more questions that my husband's new attorney asks, the more it exposes how little Mr. Chetson did for us. He has refused to return any of the money that he has charged even though my Mother n'law paid him $40,000 and has gotten us nothing to show for it but more harm to the case. We are currently working on filing a complaint against him and any other avenue that we can take to hold him accountable for the further pain and damage that he has caused.
Since there has been a transition in attorneys, I don't know what the status is with further court dates. Will update you on that as I find out. There was a deadline on the 16th but it may have been moved.
If this video has left you with more questions, don't hesitate to ask me. While I can't talk about the details of the case, I am an open book and I've got nothing to hide so ask away. Thank you again for watching, sharing and donating. God bless and stay free.
A Video For My Daughter That She'll Probably Never Be Able to Watch
Mother's Day is coming up, and so is my oldest daughter's birthday. She was taken from me, along with my son in Aug 2021. She'll be 15 this year. It has almost been a year since I've been able to see or speak with her or my son. I'm not allowed to wish her a Happy Birthday or get her a gift, so I'm sending this video out into internet space with the hopes that maybe someday she'll see it
8 Miracles I've Seen Since My Husband Was Arrested
Some of these stories I've shared before in previous videos, but I wanted to put several miracles together in one video to share with the world and spread some positivity with gratitude and the light of Christ.
Did Christopher Arthur have a "hit" list to murder people?
If you're wanting to go straight to the topic covered for this title, you can skip to 3:36. Otherwise, I strongly encourage you to watch the entire video.
How did Christopher (Kit) Arthur get arrested by the FBI?
I know that many of you have been wondering how my husband got arrested in the first place. If he was this tactical expert, why wasn't he able to defend himself?
I want to share with you the experience that I had when the FBI showed up at our home. My prayer is that it will help you to better understand us and who we are as people.
If at any time, youtube has shut down our channel, you can view our videos on Ugetube.
Make a Donation

Your Donation Will Be Used To:
Pay for An Attorney
Christopher (Kit) Arthur is currently facing federal charges. Since this is on the federal level, the opposition is high and the cost is great, ranging from $40,000 to $200,000 for an attorney.
Provide for Kit's Family
Kit Arthur has a wife and children who have been left without an income when Kit was taken.
Help Others
United we stand, divided we fall. My hope is to "Pay it Forward" I enjoy helping people and will set anything I can spare aside to do so.
A Terrifying Theory - Do you see the connection?
I'm doing everything I can right now to hold up this spine of mine in order to post this video. I'm playing with fire here while I try to put out this inferno that is burning down my house and destroying my family. I see no other choice than to speak up and share with the world the atrocity that my family is facing.
Updates on Christopher (Kit) Arthur's Case
For some reason, these videos have turned into a form of an open diary.... I'll probably regret that later, but it helps to put my thoughts into words. So if you want to skip all the emotional extras you can go right to 2:25 for the update on my husband's case.
If at any time, youtube has shut down our channel, you can view our videos on Ugetube.
A Living Nightmare: Help hold the line
Jan 22, 2022, my husband was arrested and the FBI raided our home. My husband, Christopher (Kit) Arthur is being portrayed as a cop hater and anti-government terrorist all because he used his voice to teach an individual how to defend his home and his family.
A Show of Force for the 1st Amendment
Tackleberry Solutions was designed to help people. And I think that we can continue to do that. But we have to prove that my husband was innocent. I want you to know that I regret nothing. This isn't about anything that we've done. This is about the Holocaust. It is happening all over again. And I for one, will stand. But I can't do it alone!
If at any time, youtube has shut down our channel, you can view our videos on Ugetube.
Make a Donation

Your Donation Will Be Used To:
Pay for An Attorney
Christopher (Kit) Arthur is currently facing federal charges. Since this is on the federal level, the opposition is high and the cost is great, ranging from $40,000 to $200,000 for an attorney.
Provide for Kit's Family
Kit Arthur has a wife and children who have been left without an income when Kit was taken.
Help Others
United we stand, divided we fall. My hope is to "Pay it Forward" I enjoy helping people and will set anything I can spare aside to do so.
Copyright ©Tackleberry Solutions 2025.