Roxy is a registered Doberman Pinscher under Tackleberry Solutions
What Makes Roxy Special
- Born December 3, 2017
- Female
- Blue Purebred Doberman
- Spayed
The Personality
Roxy is a blue darling. Definitely working class Doberman that loves to fetch and run/retrieve. She is protective and extraordinarily alert. She loves attention and will always be fixated on you. She's as velcro as can be and will cuddle with you for hours.
Press Play - Roxy's Daughter, Hazel
The Daughters of: Roxy

Tackleberry Solution's Protection Canine: Hazel
This is Hazel. She was the mother dog of our very first litter. She has a gentle, yet defensive temperament. She is very loving, she also is smart and not afraid to protect her family. She is also a very good judge of friend from foe. We are not afraid to have her out when friends come over to visit. You can learn more about Hazel by going to her page here.
Tackleberry Solution's Protection Canine: Patricia
This is Patricia. She has a super loving nature and mama-bear mentality. She is very submissive and cuddly to her family. The amount of love that she has for her "pack" also makes her VERY eager to protect it. Patricia has earned the nickname "Gator" because of her tendency to twist in a death roll while bite training. You can view her page here.

Tackleberry Solution's Protection Canine: Athena
This is Athena. She is the ROCK STAR of our Dobermans. Athena is the perfect balance between loving, protective, smart and agile. Her feisty, no-nonsense attitude has impressed many. She has even been known to bite harder than larger male Dobermans. Athena is eager to learn, play and protect. Check out her video to see some of her training as a protection dog.
Athena's Training as a Protection Service Dog
More pictures of Roxy:

Personal Protection Bite and Tracking Tackleberry Dobermans
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