April 3


Safety in Numbers

By Kit Arthur

April 3, 2018

minute read

Safety in Numbers

Take the strongest, most skilled shooter in the world and put him against a community of people defending their homes and their family. Who do you think will win?

I hope you didn’t take long to answer that question. The obvious answer is that the community will come out on top. There is a certain safety in numbers. You can see that time and time again through several battles.

Your Neighbors

Do you know who your neighbors are? You should.

Make friends, establish connections, work together. Establishing a network within your area could mean the difference between disaster and survival should a mass emergency come your way.

Your Community

Get involved with your local community. Find something that interests you and take a part in it. Again, make friends and get to know those that live in your area. Having a common connection is a good foundation to start out with.

Find those around you who are interested in emergency preparedness. If you can’t find anyone, then share your concerns until you do. You will be surprised at how many people are worried about the future.


Houston, Texas was hit with a catastrophic hurricane in 2017. Severe flooding, no electricity. Mass casualties. Since the community was working together and they were able to help each other, martial law was never declared because there was no need. Communities worked together. They took care of each other, they shared food and water. Many brought out their boats to rescue those that were stranded in heavily flooded areas. The neighboring militia worked with the sheriffs and state officials to maintain law and order. The locals helped the national guard by sharing food, generators and other important resources. There was even a 5ton truck that was pulled out by a local’s Tahoe.

They were able to ward off crimes, looting, and other issues because they worked together to guard each other day and night. They didn’t stop there – after the immediate danger was over and the waters receded, they came together to rebuild their communities and as a result, they were able to return back to normal much faster.

New Orleans

The hurricane Katrina became famous because of the aftermath that ensued. Martial Law was declared immediately. The people trying to conduct rescue efforts were typically shot at by resident gang members. Helicopters were also shot at. The crime rate went through the roof (rapes, murders,
thievery). There were daily news videos of people breaking into stores and stealing everything to include televisions. Guardsman and other organizations, such as FEMA, that went in to assist were constantly attacked and had to have armed guards on their equipment and their camps at all times.

It took years for New Orleans to finally get back to some sense of normalcy. Houston and New Orleans are both major cities, yet look at the difference. When a community works together, the people thrive. When they do not, chaos reigns.


There were two delta operatives in the battle of Mogadishu in Haiti. They even made a movie off of it (Black Hawk Down). They were inevitably killed because they were alone against an entire city trying to protect a pilot. It didn’t take long for them to run out of ammunition and get overrun.

There was another man in WWII that held off an entire battalion of Japanese while his platoon retreated. It also ended in his death.

The point is, no matter how good you are, you cannot take on the world by yourself – you will lose.

Does your community have a plan to deal with a mass emergency (such as a power outage or a natural disaster)? Share it with us in a comment below.

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Kit Arthur

About the author

Arthur is the founder and CEO of Tackleberry Solutions. He created this business to teach others realistic wartime tactics based off of personal experience and training. This is contradictory to other tactical instructional classes that focus on the shooting aspect for "tacticool" looks and "accuracy" instead of real-life wartime scenarios. - Arthur has dedicated his life to saving others from hardships and war. His core belief is that the only answer to surviving mass devastation is by being prepared & working together. His goal is to teach that concept to as many people as possible.

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