Athena is a registered Doberman Pinscher under Tackleberry Solutions and is specifically bred for service as a protection dog.

What Makes Athena Special
- Born February 7, 2020
- Raised in a Litter of 13
- Female
- Black Standard Purebred Doberman
- Breeder: Andrea & Jeremy

ID # Breakdown
Athena and her ID breakdown:
Press Play - Athena
Athena personally belongs to the owner and founder of Tackleberry Solutions, Christopher Arthur.
She is our smartest, most agile and hardworking canine. Athena is the only one of our dogs that excels in every area that we've trained her in: Bite/Protection work, Search & Rescue, and Therapy.
Athena loves her job and she shows it when it is time to train. On our personality score grading scale, she passes with an A.
The Parents of: Athena

Meet Roxy
This is Roxy. She is the mother our beautiful girls: Hazel, Patricia and Athena. We chose to buy her puppies because of how beautiful they were and her breeder's sincere concern for the mental and physical health of her litter. Roxy is very smart, loving and eager to please. Check out her page to learn more about her.
Athena's First Litter of Puppies

Athena's puppy pictured with Zeus, the Sire
More pictures of Athena:

Next to Kit: Patricia, Middle: Athena, Far Left: Hazel

Personal Protection Bite and Tracking Tackleberry Dobermans
Apply for Approval.
Financing Available
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