September 9


Dutchess ID# (H)1.10D

By Kit Arthur

September 9, 2021

minute read

Dutchess is a registered Doberman Pinscher under Tackleberry Solutions and is specifically bred for service as a protection dog.

What Makes Dutchess Special

  • Born June 30, 2021
  • Raised in a Litter of 12
  • Female
  • Black Standard Purebred Doberman
  • Breeder: Arthur CEO of Tackleberry Solutions

The Personality Test

Dutchess and her ID breakdown:

  • H = Mother is Hazel
  • 1 = Hazel's first litter
  • 10 = Puppy Number
  • D = Father is Dutch

When Dutchess  took her personality test on August 18, 2021 at exactly 49 days old. She scored a very nice C. Which is the perfect balance between chill and aggressive. As a result, she (with the proper training and socialization) has the potential to be very much like her mom and perfect for protection service in a family environment.

This means that her personality scores indicate that she'll be calm enough to not be a liability but protective enough that she'll actually do her job as a protection dog when/if she has to.

*See test results and video of her mother's work as protection dog below

Press Play - Dutchess's Mother

Personality Test Results of Dutchess

The Parents of: Dutchess


Tackleberry Solution's Protection Canine: Hazel

This is Hazel. She was the mother dog of our very first litter. She has a gentle, yet defensive temperament. She is very loving, she also is smart and not afraid to protect her family. She is also a very good judge of friend from foe. We are not afraid to have her out when friends come over to visit. You can learn more about Hazel by going to her page here.


Meet Dutch

Dutch is a red Doberman. He is full of love and is the best snuggler. He is very obedient and always wants to please his owners. He is great with kids, and loyal. Dutch is very mellow but has an excellent on/off aggression switch. He has trained in bite work, tracking, and loves catching a frisbee. Click here to view his page.

Dutchess and Her Siblings at 6 Weeks

More pictures of Dutchess:


Personal Protection Bite and Tracking Tackleberry Dobermans

Apply for Approval.

Financing Available

Kit Arthur

About the author

Arthur is the founder and CEO of Tackleberry Solutions. He created this business to teach others realistic wartime tactics based off of personal experience and training. This is contradictory to other tactical instructional classes that focus on the shooting aspect for "tacticool" looks and "accuracy" instead of real-life wartime scenarios. - Arthur has dedicated his life to saving others from hardships and war. His core belief is that the only answer to surviving mass devastation is by being prepared & working together. His goal is to teach that concept to as many people as possible.

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