November 10


Why a Military Style Grenade Is Horrible for Your Home Defense Arsenal

By Kit Arthur

November 10, 2021

2 minute read

Grenades are important especially when you are outnumbered. However, a modern military-style hand grenade is not a good idea. Why not and what is?

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The Military Style Hand Grenade

A modern military-style hand grenade (often called a baseball grenade) uses C4 as the explosive element.

As a result, it is actually not an ideal grenade to have in your home defense arsenal because it is just as likely to kill you as it is to kill the enemy (even if you throw it across the house and into another room!)

A Military Style Hand Grenade causes overpressure inside a house that is built our of brick or concrete. This means that if you throw one in your home, you're just as likely to get killed no matter where you are in the house compared to the location of the explosion.

If you're living in a standard house, they are only made of 2x4s, sheetrock, and insulation. Thus the shrapnel from the grenade will travel very easily through the walls. 

Where a Military Styles Hand Grenade is Used

A Military Style Hand Grenade is usually used in buildings that are made of concrete or mud walls and behind fortified fighting positions outside. The stronger materials stop the shock wave much more efficiently. It is typically tossed into a structure just before making entry. Thus clearing the initial room without having to expose yourself. 

The Solution

Warning: FYI, while the materials required to build one of my grenades are perfectly legal, assembling one is not.

You can build your own grenade that has the same kill and wounding radius as a Military Style Hand Grenade. Even better, it will be a low-energy explosion. This means that it will be safer to use inside your house since it is very unlikely to cause any overpressure at all after detonating (and the shrapnel will not travel as far.)

Furthermore, everything in that room is going to die when you toss one of those bad boys in there. This means that if you're getting heavy contact from the room at the end of the hall, screw advancing into enemy fire! Toss a grenade into that room. Problem solved!

Improvised Explosives

If you're interested in maximizing your home defense plans, then improvised explosives are vital. I've created a book just for you which includes very simple, and easy to follow steps in order to build them. 

What's more, you won't find information like this anywhere else. Especially since there are recipes in there that I've invented myself with the help of God himself.

Even better, every single item that is needed for these explosives are 100% legal (until you assemble them of course so don't blame me if you get caught.)

100% Money Back Gaurantee

Kit Arthur

About the author

Arthur is the founder and CEO of Tackleberry Solutions. He created this business to teach others realistic wartime tactics based off of personal experience and training. This is contradictory to other tactical instructional classes that focus on the shooting aspect for "tacticool" looks and "accuracy" instead of real-life wartime scenarios. - Arthur has dedicated his life to saving others from hardships and war. His core belief is that the only answer to surviving mass devastation is by being prepared & working together. His goal is to teach that concept to as many people as possible.

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