This is not going to be a war against the government - it's going to be a war of good vs an evil so vile, it will shock you.
What to Expect from the Enemy
Their real goal here is to have control and power over the American people. But that's not all. We've got worse things coming than just oppression. Satan himself is in this war. Just ask yourself, if the devil won, what kind of country would this look like? You can certainly expect:
- No more elections
- No more constitution
- The removal, incarceration and/or execution of all pro freedom representatives
- Any and all opposition convicted of fabricated crimes and sentenced
- Gun Confiscations
- No more Free Speech - Anything that goes against the enemy's brainwashing will be censored and withheld from the public
- Persecution/abolishment of Christian religions
- Abandoned treaties with allies such as Israel
- Alliances with the enemy such as Islamists
- Higher Taxes
- Forced "Health Care" Insurance
- Higher restrictions and/or complete elimination of small businesses
- War/Genocide/Martyrdom of American patriots
- Electrical power and utility disconnections from rebellious communities in order to cause chaos
- Elimination of private and home taught schooling
- Forced sex-ed for public education in schools to groom children for pedophilia in the name of "tolerance"
- Genital mutilation, castration and chemical abuse in children to discourage "male privilege"
- Nationwide encouragement of Infanticide
- Forced cancer causing chemical injections to cause sickness and a greater dependence on medications in the name of "public safety"
This was just a brief highlight - for greater detail on each one, check out this article from Infowars.
No Limit to Evil
If this hasn't given you the chills yet - don't worry, you can expect it to keep getting worse. There is no limit to the imagination of evil. It's not just about power and greed, it's about Satanic worship.
“You are not watching a political fight, folks: You are watching a spiritual battle between good and evil.
And you’d better pray that God intervenes, or it’s over for us all. The demon uprising is real, and it’s accelerating. And yes, they’re coming for your children. They run the media, the vaccine industry, the medical schools and the public schools. They control everything except your mind, and even your mind is under constant assault via the psychic warfare tactics of fake news, false flag events, censorship and disinformation.
Stay informed and be ready to defend humanity, or you and everything you love will be destroyed by design.
This is not a drill.”
Civil Defense
The only way to stop this is to start small with civil defense. Unite your neighborhood, then your community. We need to work together. ONE man alone won't stop tyranny.

Prepare for War. Pray for Peace.
The time to prepare for war is not when war strikes. It is now! At Tackleberry Solutions, I teach WARTIME tactics. I've literally taken the gloves off and provided everything you need to know about taking on a trained army with limited assets and resources. Many of these tactics were not only taught in special forces, but were created by me through raw experience. You WILL NOT find this type of information anywhere else.
I suggest you start with my printed book, "Improvised Explosives." In it I teach you how to make your own frags, claymores, landmines and more using common household items. Not to mention a few tactical tips at the end on how to fight a force larger than your own.
There is no digital copy of this information. The only way to get it, is to have it mailed directly to your door.