Critically, Doberman personality scores have become an increasingly important factor in assessing their behavior and ability to be trained.
Warning: As a matter of fact, it can be dangerous to just train any Doberman for specialized work. Just because you've got the right breed for the job, doesn't mean they've got the right personality for it. Which is where Doberman personality scores come in.
To expound, training a Doberman for protection, service work or any type of specialized training just because it is a Doberman, doesn't mean that it is mentally prepared to do so. Several factors have to be considered as well. Most importantly, their upbringing, confidence level, obedience, and how they handle fear.
Have We Met?

Hello, my name is Amy Arthur. I breed, train, and sell, purebred Doberman Pinscher puppies for service or protection work and as excellent quality family pets. Our dogs are personality tested and certified under Tackleberry Solutions and recommended for specific tasks depending upon their individual score results.
Doberman Personality Scores: Press Play
Further Reading: Popular Therapy Dog Breeds: Which One is for You?
How the test is conducted
To begin with, here at Tackleberry Solutions we use a modified version of the Volhard test. From the start, our test was designed to gauge a puppy's current behavioral development and their compatibility for specific training.
Indeed, the first thing that the test requires is that it is conducted by an individual that the puppies have never met before. Clearly a puppy is going to react differently with someone that feeds and spends time with them on a daily basis than a stranger.
Overall, one individual conducts the test, while another observes the puppy's reaction. This is done in order to gauge the Doberman personality scores.

Accordingly, the observer must be totally unbiased as to the results of the test. Ideally, I prefer to have a friend conduct the test and an intern observe the puppy's reaction.
Further reading: Large Breed Dog Food: 5 Worst Myths
How accurate Are the test results?

With this in mind, it's important to remember that these tests are meant to be used as an indication of the puppy's current behavior in order to ensure that they are growing on the right track. To expound, as puppies grow, their personalities and behaviors can evolve as well.
Critically, it's important to remember that a variety of environmental and social factors influence a puppy's personality as it continues to grow. Therefore, the result of Doberman personality scores are solely a steppingstone towards their finalized behavior in adulthood at about 2 years old.
However, the Doberman personality scores do provide a starting point for pet owners and trainers to identify areas for improvement and foster the best environment for their puppy's development.
Side note: That being said, as of the time of writing this article, it has been my experience that given the proper environment for optimal behavioral growth, socialization and training, I've never seen one of my puppies degress in their personality. To expound, any changes I have witnessed have been in the form of improvement.
What the test results mean for dog owners
For this reason, knowing your Doberman personality scores of the test can help you tailor your approach to training, as well as adjust your expectations of your puppy.

Low Doberman Personality Scores
For example, a low score on the test suggests that your Doberman is likely to be shy or fearful in new environments and may not be suited for protection training.
However, they're also likely to be very loving, cuddly and eager to please. As a result, they may be better suited to work as an emotional therapy service dog, for search and rescue, or even just as a great family pet.
However, due to their shy nature, they'll also need extra time socializing and training geared towards building up the confidence of your Doberman with as many positive experiences as possible.
Side note: By the way, according to our grading system, a low score falls under a grade D.
High Doberman Personality Scores

On the other hand, a high score indicates that the puppy is more confident, has great instincts, and likely to be eager to work.
Furthermore, the test can also show which areas the puppy excels in, such as obedience or playfulness. This in turn, can give dog owners insight into how best to approach their puppy's personality.
In addition, the test results can provide insight into the type of environment in which a puppy will do best. For example, a low-scoring puppy may require an environment with slower expectations, whereas a high-scoring puppy would do best in an environment with plenty of stimulation and structure. By understanding your Doberman personality score, you can create an environment where your puppy can bond with you and reach its full potential.
Ultimately, Doberman personality scores are an invaluable tool for dog owners looking to learn more about their puppy and create an ideal home environment. Indeed, knowing your Doberman personality scores will allow you to better understand your puppy's needs and provide them with the best possible care.

Side note: Incidentally, according to our grading system, a high score we would be grades A through C.
Doberman Personality Scores Explained

In the past, we've aligned our A type personality score with the Volhardt grading system. However, we've found that their summary of a canine that scores a 1 (or an A) does not match what we've seen of protection dogs and Doberman Pinschers in general.
Here is what we've found:
A canine that has an "A" type personality has little to no fear. They're confident in themselves to the point where they are not frightened by new encounters like other canines with a lower personality score would be.
Curious About New Things
As a result, when presented with a new experience, they're more likely to be curious about the object/person instead of frightened. Obviously, this will differ with each puppy/dog depending on several variations such as age of the dog, size, movement and noise level of the object or person, etc.)
Less Likely to Develop Fearful Aggression
In conjunction with that, a type "A" dog can also do excellent as a protection canine because they are less likely to develop fearful aggression.
Because of their confidence and lack of fear, they'll likely be more friendly towards strangers, so you won't have to worry as much about accidental bites or stress about taking your protection canine out in public. (Don't let this fool you however. With the right training, an A personality can easily go from friendly to protection mode on command.)
Be warned, in some cases, they may not be friendly to new people/animals. Sometimes an introduction will be necessary in order to show your canine that the visitor is not a threat. At other times, you may need to secure the canine somewhere else until the visitor has left. As always, this will vary strongly based on several factors to include their socialization level, training, etc.

Furthermore, a dog that has less fear is able to think more clearly. Making them more intelligent and quicker to pick up on commands. So much so that many canines with this personality score will have a natural "6th sense" so to speak that can aid them in judging the character/intent of another person.
This could even include picking up on danger from many different factors to such as natural disasters like an earthquake or a fire, or from people such as an attack or ambush.
Potentially Great with Children

In fact, we've found that an "A" type canine normally does really well with children. They've shown that they can be smart enough to realize that children are vulnerable and have demonstrated more care and protection towards that member of their "pack."
Service work examples that would work well with this personality score:
- Police Dog
- Military Canine
- Personal or Family Protection
Your Own Confidence is Important
Even though we've found through experience that even novice dog owners can train a dog with a type A personality score, they will have to ensure that they're willing to be consistent and willing to learn how to do so.

This is because an A personality score will want to be the alpha. Also, their high intelligence level will give them the need for regular exercise and play. Otherwise, they could develop bad behavior as an expression of their boredom or dominance.
They'll Want to Be the top Dog
If you have other dogs in the home, be sure that they are not also scored as an A since both Alpha personalities could cause them to clash. However, a ton of early socialization will help smooth this over.
In summary, you can be confident that your dog is going love working and give it's job everything that it has got. An A type personality is the type of canine that would die for you in the battlefield if it had to.
Overall, a B personality score is a very good grade to have in your home if you are looking for a serious protection dog. However, I would advise that you have some experience working and training with dogs before you decide to undertake a canine like this.
Service work examples that would work well with this personality score:
- Police work
- Military canine
- Personal Protection
- Search & Rescue
Furthermore, they have the potential to be excellent family pets. Their extremely loving nature, combined with their ability to better handle fear puts them on an excellent starting point for protecting their family.
Keep in mind, caution should be exercised when you have visitors. They will likely be protective of their pack (ie. their family) and may be suspicious of outsiders. Lots of socialization starting at a young age and consistent training is vital.
A canine that is a C is the best personality for a family who is looking to keep their children safe. A dog that scores a C is likely to be very loving, patient and protective when needed.
Type of service work recommended for this personality score:
- Personal Protection
- Search & Rescue
- Emotional Therapy
While they will need to be socialized and trained consistently, they will not typically require a whole lot of effort. Some skill will be needed in order to establish an Alpha role as its owner. However, with enough practice and study, even novice dog owners can learn how to handle this type of protection dog.
A dog with a type C drive will not exactly be trusting of visitors, but are very unlikely to bite unless provoked or told to (in conjunction with their training.) They may even warm up to a few people who come over if they judge them to be safe. Introducing the dog to the visitor in a friendly and calm manner can help smooth over any ice.
Grade D of Doberman personality scores indicates a canine that lacks confidence in themselves. Which means that they are prone to handle stressful situations with retreating or over-reacting.
They are likely to be overly concerned about pleasing their owners and as a result will easily get their feelings hurt so to speak. Which is to say that gentle correction will be necessary to ensure that you're not further damaging their confidence. As opposed to a firmer response required for Dobermans that are more headstrong in nature.
Given the right nurturing and attention, Dobermans with Grade D personality scores can gain the confidence needed over time. In fact, Patricia used to exhibit Grade D behaviors until her personality solidified at 2 years old. At which point, her personality did a 180 and she became so confident that she was rivals with our alpha female Athena.
Conversely, Doberman personality scores with a grade F are an absolute fail of the test. These types of dogs are likely to be dangerous and unpredictable. Furthermore, they will not want to listen and are just as likely to turn on their handler. As a result, I would not recommend them for specialized training of any sort. In fact, Doberman personality scores such as these will need to be handled by a professional that knows how to handle such a dog.
Side note: As of writing this article, I've never seen one of my puppies fail the test. Generally, a Doberman that scores an F has been abused or are inbred.
How Doberman personality scores can be used to improve training and behavior
As matter of fact, using Doberman personality scores can help you better understand your puppy and subsequently tailor their training to suit the individual needs of your pet.
Again, puppies that score low on the personality test may not have the drive and confidence needed for protection training or service roles.

Meanwhile, puppies that score high on the test indicate they are suited to more specialized training. As they have the drive, intelligence and confidence to take on more challenging tasks.
With this in mind, by understanding the individual needs of each pet, you can adjust your puppy's training and expectations accordingly. Consequently, this could lead to improved behavior in dogs, as well as greater potential for special tasks they may take on.
The Critical Aspect of a Proper Upbringing
With all this in mind, let me stress the importance of finding a breeder that has the wellbeing and proper behavioral development of the puppies forefront in mind.
Vitally, it isn't just their environment that plays a crucial factor in a Doberman's ability to thrive. Consequently, several other factors need to be considered such as bloodline, health and nutrition.
Accordingly, at Tackleberry Solutions we are focused on providing each puppy with the best start possible. This includes keeping close records of the puppy's personality, health and behavioral development. This is done by assigning each puppy with their own, permanent personality page that can be viewed and referenced back to throughout and beyond their life.
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Disclaimer: This article is written as an opinion piece only and is not to be taken as fact, legal or medical advice. Your results are in no way guaranteed and will depend on several factors including your willingness to plan ahead, study and train.