Do you have a hard time getting guys to follow you in your militia? You're not the only one - let me share a few secrets with you on how to unite.
Leading a Militia: Intro
Hello, my name is Arthur. I teach wartime tactics to Citizens for Civil and Home Defense purposes. Today I'm going to teach you how to herd cats and direct headless chickens.
I got asked a great question on Youtube - so I decided to make a video/article to answer it the best way I could. Furthermore, I wanted to help anyone else who was also experiencing problems like this.
So, if you're having a hard time getting your guys to follow you. Or even if you're having a hard time creating your own militia, this video/article is for you.

I am trying to start a militia in my area but I'm running into a lot of problems. First problem is getting people motivated to actually participate rather than just complain about the state of the nation right now. Second problem, everyone wants to be the leader and none of them are very willing to follow orders from someone else. Its like this is a game to them and they have to be in control. I'm not suggesting or assuming that I should be the "leader" either, just there should be a hierarchy but everyone wants to be at the top like its cool or something. Third problem, everyone wants the militia to be run the way they want it to and if its not aligned their specific political beliefs then they are unwilling to participate. The whole thing I'm trying to build is simply to defend our liberty and freedom but a lot of these people want it to be some religious crusade or whatever. Do you have any advice that can help me organize better?
Zombi Wurm
Note: I use Youtube because it is more mobile friendly. If they shut it down, you can view it on Ugetube here.
All Talk - No Action
"First problem is getting people motivated to actually participate rather than just complain about the state of the nation right now."
I hear you! We live in a day where everyone lives in a bubble so to speak. Modern advancements has the majority of Americans living in complacency. Those that are somewhat aware of potential dangers are not worried enough to actually do something about it.
Free Video Series
How to Unite Your Neighborhood
The answer to that one is sad, but simple. People are going to have to have that bubble popped before they will be fully willing to fight/train. Hardship and a common enemy are your number 1 motivators for civil defense.
In the meantime, your best course of action is going to be to stock up and build that network.
Too Many Chiefs
"Second problem, everyone wants to be the leader and none of them are very willing to follow orders from someone else."
Too many chiefs and not enough indians - this happens all of the time in militias. There are more people who want to toot their own horn and call out orders than there are those who are willing to listen. Again, this goes back to popping that bubble.
When facing danger, people naturally gravitate to those who are the most likely to keep them alive.
You've got to prove with your actions that you can stay alive in a time of crises. This may mean that you have to repel a few attacks by yourself before people start getting the picture.

The Have and Have Nots
When war hits, those that are going to have the best chance at survival are those that have assets (and are able to hold onto them.)
This means that it doesn't matter what you're previous status was - you're going to be at the mercy of whoever has what you need (food, water, shelter, fire etc.) So if farmer Joe has those things - those that are willing, will work to get them.
Now let me ask you a question - who is calling the shots now? Mr. Big Wig or farmer Joe? Farmer Joe ain't working for dick - he's the boss now.
You want to unite your community/militia? Be the like farmer Joe. Be the guy that has the assets. "You want to feed your family? - Ok, weed/garden/whatever and I'll give you food."
This article here will help you learn how to do that without getting robbed blind.
The Importance of Civil Defense
So why would farmer Joe risk letting you work for him? Because he can't stay up 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He can't guard his stuff, fight off attacks and take care of his farm.
There is no such thing as "lone wolfing" it. It doesn't matter your skill set or how much ammo you start out with. Those that go alone, are one of the first to die. Just check out this account from someone who has actually had to survive in a nation torn by war.

A Religious Crusade
"The whole thing I'm trying to build is simply to defend our liberty and freedom but a lot of these people want it to be some religious crusade or whatever."
The key words here are to defend liberty and freedom. That is what America was made for, religious freedom! If we get rid of that, we don't deserve America any longer. (That being said, be very careful not to get confused between another religion or another government - some claim to be the first but are actually the latter - and boy are they dangerous.)