First, which is the greater risk? Using deadly force to defend yourself or allowing your dog to be the temporary barrier? Don't let the world scare you into thinking that protection dogs are a liability. Even more so than what they're worth. Think instead, of how much worse it could be if you didn't have one.

Hello, my name is Amy Arthur. I breed, train, and sell, purebred Doberman Pinscher puppies for service or protection work and as excellent quality family pets. Our dogs are personality tested and certified under Tackleberry Solutions and recommended for specific tasks depending upon their individual score results.
Disclaimer: This article is written as an opinion piece only and is not to be taken as fact, legal or medical advice. Your results are in no way guaranteed and will depend on several factors including your willingness to plan ahead, study and train.
How NOT Owning a Protection Dog Can Actually Be a Larger Liability

Second, no one is immune from hardships. No matter what you do, you're taking a risk. Trouble can come knocking at your door or find you on the street at even the most unsuspecting times. The only thing you can do is prepare for it and do everything that you can to avoid it.
Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
That being said, what really carries the greater consequence?
Shooting an attacker in self-defense or using your protection dog to deter or delay the attack long enough for you to react appropriately? If you can avoid having to use deadly force to begin with, you save yourself so much hassle and grief.
With that in mind, consider how many people have been charged and arrested for protecting themselves and their family?
Side note: Once that happens, your name is blasted all over the news, your reputation is tarnished, you've probably lost your job, you've been totally separated from your family (not even allowed to visit them) and you're stuck in jail until you can clear your name. (Which can even take years to accomplish.)
* Furthermore, just speaking from a financial standpoint, how much do you think all of that will cost?
In comparison to all that, are protection dogs a liability?
What protection dogs are really designed to do

Third, there is a major myth floating around that leads so many to believe that a protection dog is an end-all answer. As a result, many feel the need to go overboard with their training in order to make them as effective as possible in taking down an attacker.
However, a protection dog, especially one that is meant for families and the every-day life doesn't need to be bite-happy. In fact, it would be better if your protection canine was a bit friendly (more on that further down.)
To explain, this is because a guard dog or a protection dog's job is to be an alarm, a deterrent, and a delay only. This gives you the time that you need to retreat or react in whatever manner is appropriate to the situation.
Therefore, an effective growl, bark or even bite is often enough to get the aggressor to back off. Which, in most cases, would be a heck of a lot easier to handle in court with a lot less freedoms lost than an event that ended in a deadly manner.
Now, I need you to ask yourself this question again, is a protection dog a liability?
Looks Matter a LOT

Fourth, keep in mind that most criminals are looking for an easy target. Even a woman and her small children look more daunting with a large and clearly trained bite dog by their side than a full-grown man standing alone.
Therefore, by simply having the canine with you, you can prevent an altercation from happening in the first place.
Even more, compound the deterrent aspect by simply commanding your dog to growl or bark. This again leads me to the question, which is a greater liability? Pulling out your weapon to tell the threat to back off or having your dog growl/bark? One is a lot harder to construe as a crime than another.
Consequently, you've just avoided a major liability a lot bigger than the risk you take in owning a protection dog.
Whatever happens, let me enforce here why looks matter so much. The more intimidating your protection dog appears to be, the less likely that anyone is going to mess with it or you. (Which is one major reason why ear cropping is so important, especially with Doberman Pinschers. The look and their reputation work together to prevent the altercation from even happening.)
Why some Bite Dogs are a Liability
Fifth, this leads me back to that age-old claim that protection dogs are a liability. I will fully acknowledge that they're right. They can be a liability. Especially if you've trained it like you would a cop dog or military canine.
However, if you're wanting a protection dog on a family or individual level, its training doesn't have to be designed so aggressively. Furthermore, if you've trained it with obedience and manners re-enforced and established on a regular basis, they're much less of a liability.
How you raise and train your canine can determine if your protection dogs a liability

Just like people, the beginning stages of a canine's life plays a crucial role in their ability to serve as an adult. This is especially applicable for how they were cared for and socialized between 8 - 12 weeks old (which is during their fear stage.)
It is important to note that during their time as a puppy their behavioral development can be harmed if they are met with an extremely stressful or traumatizing experience.
Such an event can destroy the confidence of a canine and cause them to have cowardice or even fearful aggression. Both of which are dangerous.
As a result, providing the puppy with an environment that helps it feel safe, loved and secure, helps build up its confidence. A dog that is not fearful, can think more clearly. In fact, a canine that can think more clearly, is less likely to bite when they shouldn't and more likely to obey commands during stressful times.

How friendly dogs can also be protective
Earlier in this article, I mentioned that owning a protection dog which is friendly is not actually a bad thing. Dogs are friendly and playful when they do not see you as a threat.
Side note: Canines that see a threat in every stranger (or most strangers) is fearful. Which means, that a dog which is consistently friendly to strangers is not filled with fear.
The best way to nurture and raise a canine that is not fearful is by socializing it and exposing it to as many positive experiences that you can. Much like breaking a horse not to spook, you're teaching your dog that it has nothing to fear. The more confident a canine is, the better of a protection dog it can be. Which means you don't have to worry that your protection dogs a liability.
Find the Right Breeder for an Excellent Protection Dog
Lastly, if you're looking for that perfect canine to add to your family for companionship, service work or personal protection, I recommend that you click here to learn more about our dogs.

At Tackleberry Solutions, our purebred Doberman Pinschers are raised and prepared with protection and service work specifically in mind.
As a result, every one of our puppies has been personality tested and cared for in the best way possible.
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