Phoenix is a registered Doberman Pinscher under Tackleberry Solutions

Phoenix is a stunning black and rust female purebred Doberman Pinscher. She has been personality tested, is sweet-tempered and extremely gentle.
Furthermore, Phoenix has been socialized extensively, gets along well with other dogs and is very good with children.
What Makes Phoenix Special
- Born July 25, 2022
- Raised in a Litter of 11
- Female
- Black and Rust
- Breeder: Amy Arthur

Financing Available
ID # Breakdown
Phoenix and her ID breakdown: H2.10Z
Below you will see Phoenix featured in a few of our Instagram reels. She is the one in the pink collar.
Personality Score
Phoenix took her personality test on 9/17/2022 and scored a C.
To explain, while in her comfort zone at home, Phoenix likes to rough house with the other puppies and is working her way up to the alpha role. On the other hand, Phoenix is more cautious while out in public. While she shows no fear of strangers, she only allows pets from those that are show no fear of her. Otherwise, she'll turn away.
A canine that is a C is the best personality for a family who is looking to keep their children safe. A dog that scores a C is likely to be very loving, patient and protective when needed.
Type of service work recommended for this personality score:
- Personal Protection
- Search & Rescue
- Emotional Therapy
While they will need to be socialized and trained consistently, they will not typically require a whole lot of effort. Some skill will be needed in order to establish an Alpha role as its owner. However, with enough practice and study, even novice dog owners can learn how to handle this type of protection dog.
A dog with a type C drive will not exactly be trusting of visitors, but are very unlikely to bite unless provoked or told to (in conjunction with their training.) They may even warm up to a few people who come over if they judge them to be safe. Introducing the dog to the visitor in a friendly and calm manner can help smooth over any ice.
The Parents of: Phoenix

Tackleberry Solution's Protection Canine: Hazel
This is Hazel. She was the mother dog of our very first litter. She has a gentle, yet defensive temperament. She is very loving, she also is smart and not afraid to protect her family. She is also a very good judge of friend from foe. We are not afraid to have her out when friends come over to visit. You can learn more about Hazel by going to her page here.

Tackleberry Solution's Protection Canine: Zeus
Zeus is a 100% European purebred Doberman Pinscher. He is very loving and enjoys playing. While Zeus is protective of his family, he is also very friendly to visitors and does very well with children. Click here to view his personal page.
Social Outing Assessment May 2023 Age: 10 Months
In public, Phoenix was very focused on my children. She would instinctively stand near them and face outward towards the traffic. See video:
Current Training
Phoenix has completed 3 - 4 weeks of formal training with Hook's K9 Training July 1, 2023. We are currently working to solidify her training with:
- Leash Manners
- Sit
- Stay
- Basic Manners (no jumping, drop it, etc.)
- Be gentle with small dogs and children
- confidence Building
Phoenix's training ques and how to handle her can be provided via video, however, I strongly recommend in-person pickup so that we can teach Phoenix's commands and provide guidance as needed in order to establish authority as her new owner.
Health Info
- Vet Checked
- Lifetime Health Guarantee
- Health Insurance with Trupanion
- Ears Cropped
- Tail Docked
- Updated Shots
- Spay & Microchipping Optional Before Transfer
More Pictures of Phoenix

Phoenix's Siblings
Personal Protection Bite and Tracking Tackleberry Dobermans
Apply for Approval.
Financing Available
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