Wartime Tactics: How to do a Snatch and Grab with a 6 man team. This is the first step to fighting tyranny at the local level.
Fighting Tyranny: Why do a Snatch and Grab?
The best way to answer that question is to read this article here: Why Guerrilla Warfare Won’t Work in America and What Will
To make a long story short, you don't fight a snake starting at the tail. You chop its head off!
Wartime Tactics: Who to Target
Warning!: Before we delve into this, be careful when you go down this road. This is an all or nothing thing (think what our founding fathers faced when they declared their freedom.) Don't do anything that you're going to regret. Especially in the eyes of God. Click here if you want a better idea of when it is OK to declare war.

You're going to "kidnap" the city Mayor and Police Chief. This snatch and grab is what you're going to use to gain access to the city.
- Snatch and Grab the City Mayor and Police Chief
- Keep them as POWs to gain access to the city
- Hold public trials and hang traitors (don't forget to weed out corrupt judges)
- Immediately schedule an election so you can give the power back to the people (make sure all candidates know what the Constitution is and will follow it)
- Build a militia and prepare for war
- Help neighboring county's/communities to gain freedom
- Don't stop until ALL of the snakes are headless
How to do a Snatch and Grab Step 1:
You're going to want to hit your target(s) when they are alone. The best time to do this while they are driving in their vehicle. To do this right, make sure you've done your homework.
Have your recon team watch the target(s) and find their routine. Find an intersection that they usually cross on a regular basis to instigate a car crash.

How to do a Snatch and Grab Step 2:
Find out how fast the response time is for a serious emergency in that area. Now cut that time into a third. That's how long you're going to have to conduct your Snatch and Grab. A good goal would be to pull it off within 30 seconds.
For this reason, you've got to train, train, train!! Run your plan through with your men until they can do it in their sleep. Remember the train to failure method. Every aspect of your mission needs to have 3 fall backs (plans a, b and c).
Don't forget to ensure that you have 360 security at all times. In the sketch below you can see 6 men attacking the one target vehicle.
- Timer/driver (this is usually the team leader) of the big truck guards the 12 O' clock position.
- The passenger of the pick up (usually the team senior) guards the 3 O' clock (after shooting the target in the lower leg).
- The driver of the mini van stays in the driver seat and guards the 9 O'clock position, while the medic sits in the middle and works on the target.
- There is also another shooter in the back of the van facing backwards who covers the 6 O' clock position at all times, even while moving.
- The driver of the Pick up removes the target and handcuffs them, this is your breacher.
- 6 men total and total 360 security.
Now if you are attacked from the:
- 12 O' clock, both the team leader and the mini van driver can engage.
- 3 O' clock, both the Team leader and the team senior can engage.
- 6 O' clock the team senior and rear guard that's hanging out in the back of the mini van can engage.
- 9 O' clock both team leader and driver of the mini van can again engage.
Either way you attempt to attack this team, they can engage you with intersecting fields of fire from more than one shooter. The yellow fields below indicate that shooters field of observation. (Watch the video above to get more details.)

Prepare for War. Pray for Peace.
The time to prepare for war is not when war strikes. It is now! At Tackleberry Solutions, I teach WARTIME tactics. I've literally taken the gloves off and provided everything you need to know about taking on a trained army with limited assets and resources. Many of these tactics were not only taught in special forces, but were created by me through raw experience. You WILL NOT find this type of information anywhere else.
I suggest you start with my printed book, "Improvised Explosives." In it I teach you how to make your own frags, claymores, landmines and more using common household items. Not to mention a few tactical tips at the end on how to fight a force larger than your own.

There is no digital copy of this information. The only way to get it, is to have it mailed directly to your door.

I would love to see an in-depth look at the militias we would form during and after the war in areas, we capture. Obviously they would have to be local and somewhat separated from the “activated” militias that secured the area to begin with.
OK, I’m a little confused about what it is you’re asking. Is there any way that you can clarify?