For those that love freedom and liberty, we will not have a successful war unless you prepare. Find out what you should be doing now.

My name is Arthur. I teach wartime tactics. Today I'm going to share with you what I'm doing now to prepare for the coming war in America. My hope is that it'll give you some insight into what you should be doing yourself.
We all need to work together to keep America free. Something like that doesn't just happen. It is going to take planning and forethought for this to be a successful war.
The Lone Wolf
There is no such thing as a successful war when one person was working by themselves. In order for us to win the coming attacks we will have to put aside our differences and unite.
(Click here to get answers if you're having trouble finding those that see the danger coming and that are willing to prepare/train accordingly.)
The First Thing Every Successful War Needs
The first thing that every successful war needs is a good communications network. You should have a radio system established where you can quickly contact your allies.
Moreover, a radio is the best way to do that since you don't have to worry about unlocking a phone, finding the right contact information and waiting for them to pick up. All you have to do is push the button and talk. So long as the station is being monitored and maintained, your allies will hear you.
Secondly, having a quick means of communication is especially important during a time of war so that you can mobilize your QRF team(s) asap.
Note: Make sure that your radio system is designed to function with or without electricity. Shutting off the power is a common military move.

Growing Your Network
The next thing that you need to do for a successful war is to grow your network.
Note: Don't stress it if you have to start out small. Even if you are currently all by yourself. You can do this.

Just keep in mind that the easiest options are the least effective ones. If you're serious about finding the right people, you're going to have to do it the hard way.
That means that searching online with social groups and forums is not the best place to start. While you may get lucky and find a few nearby, it is much harder to trust someone you've met online than it is someone you've ran into in person. That being said, you're more than welcome to join our facebook page or our private group that we have on MeWe.
When it comes to finding people in person, the best way to do that is to get out there and search. Go where the people like you would go.
How to Recruit People
Many Christians are just as concerned about our country's future. Many churches host social activities where everyone is welcome.
If you're wanting to avoid religious discussion you can also talk to people at local gun shows, shooting events or community activities. I'd also recommend reaching out to your local sheriff's office, fire fighters and anywhere you can volunteer your time. This will give you a better feel for how the people in your area feel about what's going on.
It is important to take baby steps. Just ask questions and listen. People generally like to talk about themselves. You can find out a lot just by talking to them without bringing up sensitive topics.
Just start any type of conversation. Their personality, the way they communicate and their stance on simple things can give you a big idea on the type of person that they are. (Another thing you can't gauge on social media.)
Once you've gotten to know a group/individual a little bit better, you can delve into deeper topics and possibly start discussing group training.
Natural disasters and emergencies against mobs/looting are great excuses to train. Call it a neighborhood watch. That is a known term and much less intimidating to join.
These articles that we've written on the subject may help:
Assign Roles
Once you've got a few people on board, ask them to reach out to others as well. Your network will grow much faster if you're not the only one trying to expand it.
Giving people responsibilities and a knowledge of what may be expected of them (based on their abilities) during a time of war/hardship will help create an atmosphere of progression. Not to mention that it will help others understand how important they're role really is or can be within the group.
Note: Keep in mind that there is a place for everyone. Even for those that are not combat effective. (ie. medics, cooks, computer tech, sewing, etc.) So don't limit your network.
Secure Mass Food Sources
I'd like to add that some of your most important connections are going to be the farmers. These guys are going to be the most prepared to help feed everyone when things go South.
Warning: Remember that every connection in your network is working with you in a voluntary and symbiotic relationship. You need to be giving as much as you are taking.
Don't expect these farmers to just hand out food for free. Use your network to help them around the farm and offer protection in trade for food.
The more people that you are able to feed, the more your network can grow.

Train Your People!
Everywhere you can, train and teach the people in your network to prepare for war. One well-trained soldier has more value than 12 untrained men.
Make sure that you're ready to teach them. Our books will help you. I recommend you get our QRF series.
Each manual is designed around the 4 basic jobs your militia has to be able to perform within the team, to function as a team. Weapons Specialist, Medic, Commo Specialist, and Combat Engineer.
This means that you will want to teach a couple of guys commo, then 2 others medical, 2 others CQC, 2 others Pyro. Then everyone needs to learn Infantry Tactics.
Following this, you should have the 2 medics teach a crash course on medical to everyone else. Have the 2 weapons specialist teach CQC to everyone, the 2 Commo teach a crash course on how to use the Commo equipment and set up di-poles and/or Flex-J's.
Lastly, the engineers teach how to use the pyro equipment. This will let you know if they have got it or not.
Not to mention that if you're teaching something, you learn more about it yourself.
Places that Need Guarding
There are two places that you must absolutely protect (besides your homes and families) for a successful war. And that is churches and gas stations.
Why churches?
Psychological warfare is just as strong as physical warfare. Your enemy is going to do everything that they can to mess with your head.
What better beacon of hope than a church to go to for peace and comfort?
Note: Might I just mention that churches also usually have the ability to accommodate more refugees because of their numerous bathrooms and kitchen space.

Why Gas Stations?
When war hits, the clock is going to be ticking fast on who has what and how long it lasts. The haves will win. The have nots will lose.
If you can secure your gas stations quickly (this is why it is so important to have your network already put together before war hits), then you'll be able to help your farmers, qrf guys and your recon team stay in business longer.
Working with Refugees
Don't be afraid to take in people. If they're willing to work, let them. Safety in numbers.
Those that you think are capable, can be set up as your "eyes" and "ears."
The Spider Web
When guarding your family/community, don't worry so much about stopping all through traffic. I recommend the Spider Web method (situation dependent).
This will enable you to pick the when's, where's and if's of the battle. So when survivors spread the word of your existence, they still won't know where exactly your guard points are.
I must emphasize that this is important because it prevents them from setting an ambush up on you instead.
Working with Local Families
Consider those that live near you. Chances are that they'll form their own mob and come after you if you don't quickly establish a relationship with them as well.
Look at it this way, you can work with them or you can fight them. Don't be afraid to share what you've got (especially with the help of farmers.) This article will help you do so without compromising safety.
You can do this by offering protection and food to those willing to work for it. (Click here if you are concerned about dealing with difficult neighbors.)

Moving Forward
The last point that I wanted to make was that no matter how well prepared you are, you're not going to be able to hold out forever.
If all you do is just sit still, eventually you'll run out of resources or you'll get overran by your enemy.
You MUST not hunker down to "wait out the storm." You must keep moving forward, growing that network and liberating people. The sooner we can unite and get things back up and running, the lower the death toll and the recovery rate.
We are Americans and that is what we do.
I hope that you find the information that I've shared with you of value. If you've got any questions or thoughts, please comment below and share them.